

Reed Concise Guide Wildflowers of Australia

Reed Concise Guide Wildflowers of Australia

Gemstones and Minerals of Australia

Featuring over 300 photos


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By Lin and Gayle Sutherland
Format Paperback / softback
Page Extent 144
Book Size 13 x 174 x 215 mm (H x W x D)
Imprint Reed New Holland
Release Date 1/01/1990
Subject Classification Chemistry / Mineralogy & gems

Australia s gemstones and minerals are a treasure chest of world renown. This guide Gemstones and Minerals of Australia describes Australia s common minerals and gems as well as some rarities. It will assist collectors to identify a wide range of specimens. The book features over 300 colour photographs to accompany the gem and mineral entries.
Part 1 introduces the reader to gems and minerals and their chemical and crystal systems. It also gives tips on recognising and valuing specimens.
Part 2 describes each gemstone and mineral, detailing its composition, structure, habit, form, properties and distribution. Useful additions to the book are a glossary, a list of the chemical elements and information on the size and source of each specimen pictured.
Dr Lin Sutherland is a Senior Research Fellow in Geoscience and the Australian Museum. Gayle Sutherland is a gemmologist in Geoscience at the Australian Museum. Most of the photographs were supplied by Jim Frazier and staff at the Australian Museum.