Simply Sweet

Simply Sweet

Simply Sweet

Simply Sweet



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More Information
By Hideo Dekura
Format Paperback / softback
Book Size 230 x 203 x 16 mm (H x W x D)
Imprint New Holland Publishers
Release Date 1/06/2015
Subject Classification Cookery / food & drink etc / Health & wholefood cookery / Cookery for specific diets & conditions
Izakaya is like a Japanese version of a tapas bar. It s a bar that serves a lot of food, The best way to eat in an izakaya is to go with a group of people, so you can sample lots of dishes.
In this beautiful illustrated book Hideo Dekura turns your kitchen into your very own Izakaya. Invite your friends and family round to enjoy the experience of your very own Izakaya as Hideo Dekura guides you through step-by-step instructions on how to create your very own Japanese tapas.
The recipes in this book covers all areas of an Izakaya from the food to the drinks for your guests to enjoy.